Why does it take ages too launch a Script for the first time?

  • Hi!

    Like topic says,

    Why does it take ages too launch a Script for the first time? I got a Older ver of BAS And everytime i made a new bot or whatever, And trying too launch it It take AGES , like to 20% 1 hour and shit? I ain't got no bad computer nor nothing, Havn't had this problem before.

    Any chance anybody can help me with this? :)

    Sorry for my english..

    Reg. Lymz

  • Still got the same problem, But it just Loads... too like 20% And after a while it Connection Closed .. :/ Any Ideas? I havn't block it nor nothing :/

  • Are you running exe file of script or in run mode ? Running compiled script (exe ) needs bas download and probably your connection is slow .

  • You can retry again today, because i've just test and problem solved.

  • Nicky, Thanks for the help =) Everything working now.


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