Registration for Beta testing of Browser Automation Studio and Multilogin integration

  • administrators

    We launch Beta-testing on 20th of March. The number of participants is limited because we would like to figure out how our servers will handle the capacity.

    In order to participate in beta please follow next steps:

    1. Download Multiloginapp from the official website
    2. Create new Multiloginapp account in the application
    3. Send the email message with the title "BAS BETA" to address In the message please point out your Multiloginapp account email address and your nickname from BAS forum.

    First of all, we are going to process all well-formed applications (appropriate message title + Multiloginapp account email address + BAS forum nickname).

    We will distribute subscriptions on 20th of March. We will send invitations to private Telegram chat for all Beta-testing participants. In this chat, you will be able to share your impressions, thoughts and discuss questions/problems with the support team.

    In Beta testing subscription, the Mimic browser is included with limitations on a number of browser profiles - 20 profiles. It will allow you to launch up to 20 threads during the tests.

    Your questions are more than a welcome on this topic.

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