Anyway to turn off sound in BAS instances?
Other than using windows volume fixer?
use this code, proof link
var mute=function(tag){ var elems = document.getElementsByTagName(tag); for(var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++){ elems[i].muted=true; } } document.addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", function(event){mute("video");mute("audio");});
I did not fully understand, but I was told that I still needed to work at the plant. Works without it.
"plant" is not a garden, "plant" - a manufactory.
this is a local prank. I laughed.
Sorry, English is not my language. I speak only Russian, Swahili and Perl.
@ruzne Oh I see haha.
Anyway I use "execute code" for it and it returns error about variable document not declared or something like that.
Any idea what could be wrong?
This code contains an event handler. It should be added to the page before it is downloaded (preferably). Use "Browser -> execute every time the page loads". From "Tools -> execute the code" access to the root object "windows" is not. From this error there is - no "windows.document"