How to Avoid Duplicates in Database?

  • Every 10 minutes I am scraping a news website for new articles and save the Title + Content into a Database. The problem is that instead of ignoring the aready existing Titles/Content it just adds the same entries again below. So how can I avoid that?

  • good question. out of curiosity i checked databases and tried to check with javascript .match or .IndexOf for a string but it either resulted false or error when string was there.

    I also took list from database and checked with list contains option to see if its there, but it returned false

  • Ok I managed to do it this way:

    alt text

    be careful for notreuse option

  • Thank you! Will try it now

  • I have the same problem.

    Unfortunately I don't see how the string matches regex function can help.
    It allows to check a variable, but I don't see how I could check all the records in a table?

    Any ideas or other solutions?

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