How to correctly report about error?

  • administrators

    The best way to solve your issue - create new topic with answers to these questions:

    Short bug description.

    Detailed bug description(optionally).

    Does problem reproduces in run or record mode?

    Project with minimal action number, which demonstrates problem(can send with PM)

    BAS log.


    Additional files/accounts/proxies, which are required to run project(can send with PM).

    BAS version.

    OS version.

    I've read faq, and used search.

  • administrators

    Short bug description.

    Please describe what you tried to do and what doesn't work.

    For example,

    I did authorized on, and tried to update the profile photo, and I get a message "Failed to upload image" from that site.

  • administrators

    Detailed bug description(optionally).

    Everything that does not fit in the short description, any details, etc.

    For example,

    The error started to pop up a week ago, reproduces rarely, in about 50% of cases, ...

  • administrators

    Does problem reproduces in run or record mode?


  • administrators

    Project with minimal action number, which demonstrates problem(can send with PM)

    Be sure to attach a project that demonstrates the problem. You do not need to upload project with a lot of actions that have nothing to do with the error, leave only those which are connected to issue.

    For example, you are working on a scrapper, and at some point regular expressions returns wrong result. In this case, you do not need to send the entire project, but only the action that works with the regular expressions.


  • administrators

    BAS log.

    The log is very easy to get, and there could be important information there to solve your problem.


    If the software "freezes", then this can happen because of the waiting fro a non-existent element. In this case, the error still appears, but after a minute, you should wait and attach log.

  • administrators


    Self explanatory.

  • administrators

    Additional files/accounts/proxies, which are required to run project(can send with PM).

    Try to leave only the most necessary actions in the project, but if you still have dependency on other data like files, accounts, then you need to attach that data too.

  • administrators

    BAS version.


  • administrators

    OS version.

    For example, Windows 7, x64

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