Ошибка Рукапчи

  • Ошибка решения капчи : ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved Invalid Request error was encountered while trying to process the request: POST /in.php HTTP/1.1 Host: rucaptcha.com Accept: / Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=zfsgxvyqbjmerptrstjnympfriuwpyjuoztnyuqz Content-Length: 2436 Expect: 100-continue Some possible problems are: Missing or unknown request method. Missing URL. Missing HTTP Identifier (HTTP/1.0). Request is too large. Content-Length missing for POST or PUT requests. Illegal character in hostname; underscores are not allowed. HTTP/1.1 Expect: feature is being asked from an HTTP/1.0 software. Your cache administrator is webmaster. Generated Wed, 07 Jun 2017 11:42:07 GMT by nas_1.esmog.local (squid/3.1.12)

    Вот такую штуку выдает. Причем на моей машине все норм. На чужой выдает такую ошибку.

  • Проблема возникала из-за провайдера(?). С другим подключением все работает.

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