Select Records with Multiple filters
Hello, I came across this issue. I'm trying to use multiple filters with Select Records. But it doesn't seem to work correctly in my opinion, maybe I'm doing something wrong or misunderstanding the function?
Number Contains = "1700" brings back 11700, 17000, 17001, until 17009
Number Contains = "1700" && Inuse = "false" brings back 100 starting with 18189 (should be the same as above)
Number Contains = "1700" && totalused > 2 brings back above (should be just 17000)Care to enlighten my confusion on this? I'm also glad to hear the Monday's update will be fixing the Can not connect to database error so multiple bots can use the same Database at the same time.
Thanks - Allister
@Allister Hi, this one is fixed in 18.2.0, you need to update to a new version and recreate every get records action(start edit and hit ok).
I'm also glad to hear the Monday's update will be fixing the Can not connect to database error so multiple bots can use the same Database at the same time.
Yes, this one is fixed too.